Daruma Tech

Daruma Tech is more than a team of software developers. We’re a technology consulting agency—because great apps and websites are not just about code. The best and latest technology won’t do you any good if it’s not the right fit for your users, your industry, or your goals and budget. That’s why every Daruma Tech engagement starts with people, not programming.

The Right Solution Starts and Ends With You

    We believe developers shouldn’t touch their keyboards before understanding the full ecosystem surrounding your project—your industry, your users, your company culture, and your challenges and goals. Thus, your project starts with a conversation between you and our team of expert developers and business, marketing, and IT specialists. During our conversation, we will dig deep into how we can create the perfect solution for you and your users:

  • Who will be using your app, website, or other solution, and how will they be using it?
  • What pain points do you want your solution to address?
  • What kind of changes and growth do you foresee in your industry, and how can we help you prepare for them?

    We also understand that technology can be intimidating, and your needs may change as your project evolves—so we make sure you feel comfortable reaching out to us with questions or concerns.
    We always welcome your questions and take care to keep you in the loop as your project progresses.

Technology with a Human Touch

The digital marketing world changes fast, and it’s our job to ensure you stay ahead of the game. Our expert developers stay on top of the latest advancements in technology through regular continuing education—they not only hold the latest advanced certifications from Microsoft and other major vendors, they keep their ears to the ground for the latest trends and best practices.

But their work doesn’t end there. Our developers work hand in hand with a crack team of designers and UX and UI specialists to deliver a website or app that’s not only robust and secure, but attractive, engaging, and satisfying to use. Whether you want a mobile invoicing app to make life easier for your sales team or augmented reality features to surprise and delight your customers, we can make it happen.

We Don't Just Build Software
We Build Relationships

Our commitment to you doesn’t end when we deliver your solution—we remain accountable to you throughout the lifetime of the product. You can always count on us for troubleshooting, updates, training, and any other follow-up support you need to get the most from your solution.

We’re also available to lighten your workload by caring for your long-term technology needs, including cloud storage; remote monitoring, maintenance, and updates of your systems; and more. As your IT partner, we free you to work smarter—not harder.

Can your business benefit from a technology partner who puts your needs first? Contact Us to learn more.